Age-Related Conditions That Can Lead To Long-Term Disability In Florida

Older adults today tend to live a healthier, more active lifestyle than prior generations. However, there is no escaping the impacts of aging or the serious adverse effects they can have on your health. When age-related conditions prevent you from working, long-term disability benefits help to make up for lost income. Our Jacksonville long-term disability lawyer explains more about these conditions and how to get the compensation you are owed.
Long-Term Disabilities Due To Age-Related Impacts
According to the Florida Department of Health, more than 3.5 million people in the state suffer from some type of disability. This averages to roughly one in three adults. Long-term disabilities become more common as you get older, often due to chronic underlying health conditions.
Anyone over 50 can attest to the impacts aging can have on your general health. You may find yourself getting tired more quickly, suffer from a variety of aches and pains, have limited mobility due to stiff joints, or experience other symptoms. When these get to the point that they prevent you from working or performing certain tasks on your job, long-term disability benefits may be available to help offset your lost income.
You may be entitled to these benefits either through employer-provided insurance policies or the Social Security Administration. Among the most common types of age-related conditions that result in long-term disabilities in Fort Lauderdale include;
- Arthritis;
- Asthma;
- Autoimmune diseases;
- Back and neck disorders;
- Diabetes;
- Epilepsy;
- Heart disease;
- Accidental injuries;
- Severe illnesses;
- Other chronic health conditions.
Get The Long-Term Disability Benefits You Deserve
Accidental injuries, chronic health conditions, and sudden severe illnesses can impact people at any age. However, the older you get, the more likely these are to result in long-term disabilities. Taking steps now to protect your health can help reduce the odds of being unable to work in the years to come. This includes eating a healthy diet, maintaining a reasonable weight, getting plenty of exercise, and visiting your doctor regularly.
When caught in the early stages, you may be able to prevent some age-related conditions from developing into long-term disabilities. However, to protect your rights now and in the event of future impairments, follow these tips:
- Stay on top of chronic conditions and take any medications required;
- Undergo routine medical screening tests;
- Keep copies of all medical records;
- If you have problems working, get a firm diagnosis from your doctor;
- Follow their recommendations regarding testing, treatment, and work restrictions;
- File a claim as soon as you become disabled.
Request A Consultation With Our Florida Long-Term Disability Lawyer
Age-related conditions can increase your risk of long-term disabilities in Florida. When these prevent you from working, you may be entitled to long-term disability benefits either through your employer or Social Security.
At Farrell Disability Law, we provide the caring support and comprehensive legal service you need in filing a claim. To protect yourself and your financial security, call or contact our Florida long-term disability lawyer online and request a consultation in our Orlando or Jacksonville office today.