Disability Function Reports: How They Impact Your Rights To Florida Social Security Disability Benefits

Long-term disability benefits available through the Social Security Administration (SSA) can help offset lost income if an injury or illness prevents you from working. These provide a safety net for many people, allowing them to continue providing financial support for themselves and their families. However, many claims end up getting denied.
Function reports play an important role in the benefits determination process. Our Orlando Social Security disability lawyer explains how these reports impact your claim and offers tips to help fill this form out properly.
The Role Of Function Reports In Social Security Disability Claims
Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) provides benefits that can help offset lost income in the event an injury, illness, or chronic condition prevents you from working for a year or longer. You may be entitled to these benefits, provided you have a qualifying condition and have earned the required work credits. However, reports from the Social Security Administration reveal that only a third of all applications are approved on the first try.
In determining whether to deny or approve claims, function reports play an important role. This is a 10-page questionnaire you are required to fill out in order to obtain benefits. The information it provides includes:
- The disabling condition you suffer from;
- Specific symptoms it causes;
- How your condition impacts your abilities on the job;
- How it impacts other activities of daily living (ADL);
- Any medical testing and treatment you have undergone;
- Current medications and any medical devices you use, such as a cane or wheelchair;
- When you became unable to work;
- Information about assets and other sources of income;
- Information about members of your household and whether you are responsible for their care.
Tips For Filling Out SSDI Function Reports
Your answers to questions on the SSDI Function Report will directly impact whether your disability claim is approved or not. To improve your chances of success, our Orlando long-term disability lawyer offers these tips:
- Allow plenty of time to complete the form;
- Be sure and answer all questions;
- Be truthful in your responses;
- Do not downplay your symptoms, but do not exaggerate them either;
- File out question 20 first, which deals directly with the impacts of your condition;
- Consider your response when answering other questions and take care not to contradict yourself;
- Do not provide information about other conditions or symptoms not directly related to your disability;
- Write clearly and be thorough yet concise in answering questions;
- Use the “Remarks” section on page ten if you run out of space, and use the corresponding number for your responses.
Reach Out To Our Florida Social Security Disability Lawyer
Do not take chances when it comes to your long-term disability benefits. At Farrell Disability Law, we can assist you in filling out function reports properly and providing other required documents needed to approve your claim. Reach out and contact our Florida long-term disability lawyer to request a consultation in our Orlando or Jacksonville office today.