Do I Need a Social Security Disability Attorney to Obtain Benefits?

Unexpected injuries and illnesses can happen to anyone, regardless of their age or current health. When they do, they can prevent you from working, threatening you and your family’s financial security. In these situations, Social Security disability benefits can act as a life line. Unfortunately, many of the applications submitted end up being denied for one reason or another. You do not need a social security disability attorney in Florida to obtain benefits. However, having someone with knowledge and experience on your side can increase the odds your claim will be approved.
Denial Rates For Social Security Disability Benefits
If you have worked steadily over your career only to find yourself unable to perform your job or other tasks due to physical, cognitive, or mental impairments, disability benefits can help offset the losses in income. According to statistics from the Social Security Administration (SSA), more than two million people apply for these benefits each year. Unfortunately, out of this number, only about 30 percent of claims end up being approved. Among the top reasons for denials include:
- Failure to obtain the required work credits to be eligible for Social Security disability benefits;
- Condition the applicant suffers is not eligible for coverage;
- The degree of disability does not meet program guidelines;
- Failure to submit to a consultative exam or to complete other SSA requirements;
- Failure to provide the appropriate documentation or other technical errors in the application.
Timelines for approval of Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits range from 30 days to three months. Waiting all this time only to receive a denial is discouraging and can jeopardize your ability to pay your debts and meet basic household obligations.
How Our Florida Social Security Disability Attorney Can Help
While you are not required to have a disability attorney in order to file your claim, having one can help to prevent denials and speed up the time in which you receive benefits. Based on our years of experience, we can advise you on whether your condition qualifies while reviewing your employment records. Once we confirm you meet all SSDI benefit requirements, we can begin collecting the information needed to substantiate your claim. This includes:
- Statements and records from all medical providers regarding your condition, any treatments you have obtained, and your prognosis for recovery;
- Pay stubs and statements from your employer regarding how your disability impacted your ability to work;
- Statements from you and family members regarding the impact your disability has on other areas of your life.
We review any correspondence or requests made by SSA to ensure the claims process is completed properly. In the event your application is denied, we can guide you in filing appeal. You pay no attorney’s fees unless we are successful and these are typically included as part of your benefit settlement.
Let Us Help You Today
When it comes to getting the benefits you need, do not delay. Reach out and contact our Jacksonville Social Security disability attorney to request a consultation in our office today.