Filing an ERISA Lawsuit Over Denied Long-Term Disability Benefits

Long-term disability benefits provided by your employer help you meet your monthly expenses when you are unable to work. Unfortunately, obtaining the benefits you are entitled to is not easy. In too many cases, long-term disability claims end up being denied by insurers. Federal laws provide guidelines in terms of how claims are filed and processed. In the event your benefits are denied, these laws also give you the right to file a lawsuit against your employer or the insurance company involved.
What Is an ERISA Lawsuit?
Employer-provided benefits are subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). As a federal law, ERISA does not require your employer to provide benefits but it does set minimum standards they must follow in terms of how they are managed and administered. It also sets guidelines for insurers in terms of timelines for reviewing claims and the processes which must be followed. These apply to health care, life insurance, pension funds, and other employer-sponsored programs, including long-term disability benefits.
If you have filed a claim for long-term disability benefits through your employer and it is denied by the insurer, you are entitled to file an appeal. This provides you with the opportunity to address any issues raised by the insurer and supply additional documents and other information in support of your claim. There are strict timelines for filing an appeal. As your right to disability benefits is at stake, it is important to act quickly and to have an experienced long-term disability attorney represent you through this process.
In the event your claim continues to be denied, ERISA gives you the right to file a lawsuit. This involves appearing before a local federal judge and arguing your case. Again, having a knowledgeable ERISA attorney on your side is vitally important. This is your final chance to get the long-term disability benefits you are entitled to.
When an ERISA Lawsuit Is Your Best Option
Long-term disability claims, like any other filed with insurers, are subject to lengthy delays and denials are common. According to research conducted by the American Association for Justice, there are three primary reasons insurers are likely to use in denying your claim:
- Disputes over whether the claimant was covered by insurance;
- Disputes over the terms of the policy;
- Disputes over the severity of their medical condition.
If you are denied for any of the above reasons, it is important to file an immediate appeal. If your claim continues to be denied, filing an ERISA lawsuit is your next.
Let Us Help You Today
If you are having problems with a long-term disability claim, reach out to Farrell Disability Law. We can guide you in the options available in your case and take the actions needed to get you the benefits you deserve. Call or contact our Jacksonville long-term disability attorney online and request a consultation in our office today.