Five Types Of Information Needed When Filing A Florida Long-Term Disability Appeal

Long-term disability benefits make up for lost income in the event a medical condition prevents you from working for a year or more. These benefits are often available through insurance provided by your employer, which is included as part of your employee compensation package.
The downside to this coverage is that, in dealing with insurance companies, it is common for them to deny claims. You have the right to appeal their decision. Our Jacksonville long-term disability lawyer explains the five types of information you will need in filing an appeal.
- Details concerning your terms of coverage.
A common reason for long-term disability denials is disputes over the terms of coverage. Within your insurance policy, there are likely numerous clauses concerning coverage periods and long lists of excluded conditions.
The first step in filing a claim or appealing denied benefits is to get a copy of all policy-related documents. Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), your employer must provide a copy of your policy, free of charge and at your request.
- Reasons for the insurance company denial.
It is important to respond promptly to communications from the insurance company and to keep copies of correspondence with them. This is particularly true when it comes to denials. Your denial letter should include details concerning why your benefits are being disputed, additional information the insurer requires, and the amount of time you have to respond.
- Your medical history, including a diagnosis and any testing or treatment you have received.
Visit your doctor regularly for treatment of any illnesses, injuries, or chronic health conditions and report all new symptoms. In applying for long-term disability benefits, you will need a firm diagnosis, statements from them concerning your condition, and evidence of any testing and treatment you have undergone. Not thoroughly documenting your condition or providing the appropriate medical records is a common reason for denied long-term disability benefits.
- Information about your job.
Under the Florida Statutes, you may be entitled to long-term disability benefits if you are unable to work at your current job or in any other occupation for which you are reasonably qualified or trained. Jot down details about your job, including all the different types of tasks you perform and how your disability interferes with these duties.
- Statements detailing how your injuries impact your life.
Long-term disabilities impact every area of your life. In addition to preventing you from working, they can also keep you from performing basic daily activities at home or spending time with your loved ones. Written statements from you and your family detailing these impacts provides additional evidence in support of your claim.
Contact Our Florida Long-Term Disability Lawyer
If you have been denied long-term disability, contact Farrell Disability Law. Our Florida long-term disability lawyer guides you through the appeals process, helping you get the benefits you deserve. Request a consultation in our Orlando or Jacksonville office today.