Four Things You Need To Know When Applying For Social Security Disability In Florida

Long-term disabilities in Florida can happen to anyone and have the potential to prove devastating. In addition to the impact on your health, your condition may prevent you from working, jeopardizing the financial security of both you and your loved ones. Social Security disability benefits can provide a safety net in this situation but are notoriously difficult to get. Our Orlando Social Security disability lawyer explains four things you need to know when filing a claim.
Four Things To Be Aware Of When Filing A Florida Long-Term Disability Claim
Disability benefits available through the Social Security Administration (SSA) can help offset lost wages you suffer in the event an injury, illness, or chronic health condition prevents you from working for a year or longer. These benefits are often a lifeline, helping to ensure disabled people and their families are provided for. However, it is important to be aware of the following when completing your application:
- Over two-thirds of all claims are denied.
The approval rate for first-time filers seeking Social Security disability benefits is dismal. According to the latest SSA reports, 67 percent of first-time claims are denied. The good news is that many are approved after filing an appeal.
- You must have a qualifying condition or be otherwise unemployable given your medical conditions, age, education and work experience.
One of the most common reasons for disability benefit denials is not having a qualifying condition. Check to see if yours falls under the SSA listing of impairments and meets all other guidelines.
- You must have earned the required work credits.
In order to obtain Social Security disability benefits, you must have the required 40 work credits. These are earned on the job and up to four per year. They stretch back through your career, but at least ten must have been from in the past 10 years.
- You must provide medical documentation.
You must have a firm diagnosis from your doctor, explaining your condition and how it prevents you from working. You will also need copies of all test results and other medical records detailing any procedures, medications, physical therapy, or other treatments received. Keeping a disability journal that explains how your condition impacts other areas of your life is helpful as well.
Let Our Florida Social Security Disability Lawyer Help You Get The Benefits You Are Entitled To
Unfortunately, even if you have a qualifying condition and complete all other SSA requirements, disability benefits may be denied. Farrell Disability Law has decades of experience helping clients in these cases. We can review your application, reasons for the denial, and provide trusted, local legal representation in filing an appeal.
Keep in mind that if approved on appeal, benefits may be awarded on a retroactive basis from when you first applied. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. To protect your financial security and that of your family, call or contact our Florida Social Security disability lawyer online and request a consultation in our Orlando or Jacksonville office today.