How The Holidays Could Impact Your Long-Term Disability Claim

The holidays are one of the most festive times of the year. Despite concerns over COVID-19, you and your family likely still have tasks to attend to, such as decorating, planning parties, and shopping. If you have recently suffered a long-term disability, it is important to be aware of how these and other situations surrounding the holidays could impact your benefits.
Waiting For Your Long-Term Disability (LTD) Benefit Claim To Be Approved? Use Caution This Holiday Season
Public safety experts are urging people to use caution this holiday season to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you are also dealing with a long-term disability and have filed for benefits, there are other potential risks you need to keep in mind as well.
LTD insurance provides a safety net when injuries, illnesses, or chronic health conditions prevent you from working. However, as avoiding payouts helps to protect their profits, insurance companies have a financial motive for either denying or delaying your claim. Issues that can arise over the holiday season and impact your rights to benefits include:
- Traveling to be with family and friends: The International Risk Management Institute is a trusted resource for insurers. They report that of the biggest problems the industry faces is increasing numbers of fraudulent claims. To avoid paying out more than they have to on policies, insurance companies are vigilant in investigating benefit recipients. Traveling to visit family or friends could raise red flags about your condition and whether it actually does prevent you from working.
- Posting holiday-related photos on social media: Social media is one of the first places insurance investigators look to gather evidence that can be used to deny LTD claims. Posts regarding parties and various activities you attend could end up being used against you.
- Performing household tasks: Setting up a tree and trimming your home with holiday lights are common and fun holiday tasks at this time of year. However, in the eyes of investigators, they could cast doubt on the extent of your disability.
- Delaying doctor visits: Between concerns about COVID-19 risks and busier holiday schedules, it is common to want to delay doctor visits, diagnostic testing, or medical treatments until next year. If you are disabled, this is a bad idea. Being prompt in following your doctor’s recommendations is a key factor in getting your LTD benefits approved.
- Slower processing times: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) sets a strict 45 day time frame for LTD insurers to process your claim. However, there are reasons they could justify delays. Requesting additional information and resolving questions about your condition are common causes for extensions and can be used to justify delays at this time of year.
Contact Us Today for Help
To ensure your LTD claim is processed successfully and in the quickest amount of time possible, get Farrell Disability Law on your side. Call or contact our Jacksonville long-term disability attorney online and request a consultation in our office today.