Seven Important Steps When Applying For Long-Term Disability Benefits

Chronic health conditions, sudden illnesses, or accidental injuries can happen to anyone and at any age. Long-term disability insurance benefits offered through your employer can provide a steady income while you are unable to work, helping to ensure your monthly expenses are met. Unfortunately, getting your claim approved can be a complex and time-consuming process. The following steps can help ensure it is filed correctly and that you get your benefits in the quickest amount of time possible.
According to statistics from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently one out of every five adults in the United States suffers from some type of disability. These can occur in a variety of situations and impact young and old alike. In addition to the health ramifications, long-term disabilities can have a devastating effect on your finances, wiping out any savings you may have accumulated and resulting in large amounts of outstanding debt.
Long-term disability benefits provided through your employer can provide the lifeline you need during this difficult time. Steps you need to take in applying for these benefits include:
- Get A Copy of Your Long-Term Disability Policy
One of the first steps in applying for long-term disability benefits is to review your coverage. Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), your employer is required to provide copies of all policy related documents, free of charge, at your request. Check the terms of the policy, covered conditions, and any exclusions that may be in place.
- Request A Long-Term Disability Application Form
To apply for long-term disability benefits, request or application through your employer or human resources department. If they are unable to produce one or delay complying with your request, you may be to obtain one online or directly through the insurer.
- Carefully Complete The Employee Statement Form
You are required to provide pertinent personal information, including Social Security number, work history, and names of all medical providers.
- Review Information Provided By Your Employer
Your employer will also need to submit a statement form. Ask for a copy to ensure information provided is correct.
- Review Statements Provided By Your Doctor
Review any information your doctor provides regarding your claim. They should have maintained detailed records regarding your visits and any treatments recommended.
- Organize Additional Information Supporting Your Claim
Keep a folder containing all test results, medical statements, expenses related to your disability, and other important information relevant to your claim.
- Keep Copies Of All Correspondence You Receive.
Keep copies of all correspondence you receive from your employer, the insurer, or anyone else involved in your case.
Contact an Attorney Today for Help
Long-term disability benefits provide a safety net if you are unable to work. At Farrell Disability Law, we help ensure you get the maximum amount in your claim. Contact our Jacksonville long-term disability attorney today to schedule a consultation.