Social Security Disability and Your Coronavirus Stimulus Check

The coronavirus pandemic has created financial problems for the country as a whole and for individual residents of Florida. While those on Social Security disability are still collecting benefits, you may still be facing financial stresses due to lost family income and having to stock up on supplies. To ease the financial burden, the federal government approved a stimulus plan providing taxpayers with one-time payments of $1,200. The following details what you need to know regarding eligibility and how to ensure you get the maximum amount you are owed.
Eligibility For Pandemic-Related Stimulus Checks
In late March 2020, the President signed a record-breaking $2 trillion stimulus package designed to provide financial relief both to businesses and individual citizens during the coronavirus pandemic. Included was a provision that citizens falling within certain income limits receive a one-time stimulus check for $1,200. According to an April 29, 2020 Market Watch report, nearly 90 million people have received their checks since direct deposits started mid-month. However, there are still millions of Florida residents waiting and wondering when and if they will get theirs.
People collecting social security disability benefits are among those most concerned. If you are not currently working, you may be wondering if you are still eligible to receive a stimulus payment. Social security disability beneficiaries are eligible, but unless you filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return that provided bank account direct deposit information, you may have to wait for paper checks to be sent out through the mail.
These checks began being delivered on April 20, but with so many recipients it is expected to be a lengthy process. The government plans on sending out 5 million checks per week, but even at this rate, it could take up to five months for everyone who is entitled to it to receive their payment.
Get The Total Amount You Are Entitled To In Your Stimulus Check
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is distributing the stimulus checks at the direction of the U.S. Treasury Department. Referred to as ‘economic impact payments’ you can check the status of yours on the IRS website. Unfortunately, problems with how the site works have been reported while an important deadline looms.
Social security disability recipients are automatically entitled to the $1,200 check. Under the terms of the stimulus package, parents collecting disability may also be eligible for payments of $500 per child. The IRS may not have information on your children if you did not file a 2018 or 2019 tax return. An NBC News report advises visiting the IRS site prior to May 5th to ensure your account is updated. Otherwise, this additional amount may not be included in your stimulus check, but you may still be entitled to receive it as a refund on your 2020 tax return.
Let Us Help You Today
During these difficult times, Farrell Disability Law is here to help ensure you get the maximum amount of benefits you deserve. Contact our Orlando Social Security disability attorney online today.