Tactics Insurance Companies Use to Deny Long-Term Disability Claims

For most people, their financial security depends on their ability to work and earn a steady paycheck. When accidental injuries or medical conditions result in long-term disabilities, benefits available either through group insurance available from your employer or a privately purchased policy can help to make ends meet.
Unfortunately, dealing with insurers can be a frustrating experience. In too many cases, those filing claims end up facing denials or lengthy delays. Being prepared and understanding the tactics these companies frequently use can improve your chances of getting the benefits you are entitled to and deserve.
Insurance Company Tactics When Dealing With Claims
Insurance companies often portray themselves as ‘good neighbors’, there to help when unexpected events occur. The reality is that they are big businesses whose main concern is not your well being but rather protecting their bottom line.
According to research conducted by the American Association of Justice, insurers bring in profits of more than $30 billion each year and pay their CEOs more than in any other industry. In addition to charging high premiums for policies, one of the ways they make money is by avoiding paying out on claims.
When filing for long-term disability benefits either through your employer or a private policy, there are three common tactics insurance companies are likely to employ as a means of protecting their profits:
- Denying your claim. Automatic claims denials are one of the chief complaints against insurers. Among the reasons the insurance company is likely to give is claiming that your condition is not covered under the terms of your policy, the policy was not in effect at the time of disability, or that you failed to follow the proper procedures in filing.
- Delaying your benefits. Lengthy delays in processing claims and paying out benefits are another frequently cited complaint when dealing with insurers. Requests for extensions in the time needed to approve claims or asking the claimant to provide additional, more detailed information are common tactics.
- Downplaying the amount you are entitled to. Claiming that your coverage only lasts a certain period, only entitles you to a small portion of your wages, and denying benefits through periodic reviews are all tactics insurers use to avoid paying you the total amount you deserve.
Our Attorney Can Defend Your Rights When Dealing With Insurers
Consumer protection laws apply to privately purchased long-term disability policies while the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) governs those available through your employer. When dealing with insurers, be aware of your rights:
- The right to review all policy documents;
- The right to get a decision in a timely manner;
- The right to be informed as to the reasons why your claim was denied.
- The right to file an appeal.
At Farrell Disability Law, we act as a strong legal ally on your side when dealing with insurers, defending these rights. Let us help you get the benefits you deserve. Contact our Jacksonville long-term disability attorney and schedule a consultation in our office today.