Tag Archives: Florida Disability Insurance Attorneys

Do Long-Term Disability Benefits Cover Fibromyalgia?
As part of an employment offer, many companies provide health benefits for their employees. One of these benefits, which is typically overlooked, is long-term disability (LTD) benefits, which pay benefits when an employee becomes disabled and is unable to work. However, as is the case with all dealings with insurance companies, getting the LTD… Read More »

Medicinal Cannabis And Social Security Disability Benefits
More and more states in this country have legalized the use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the psychoactive aspect of the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana, for medicinal purposes), although, pursuant to federal law, cannabis is still a Schedule I narcotic under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning possession is illegal. In spite of the federal… Read More »

When An SSDI Claim Is Questioned
The amount of information and detail expected in a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) claim can be overwhelming for most claimants, which prompts most of them to work with an experienced disability insurance attorney to ensure everything is submitted properly. One danger that is more likely if a claimant decides to handle the disability… Read More »

Factors Influencing Long-Term Disability Coverage
Individuals who are proactive and seek long-term disability coverage to protect their financial security and that of their family understandably take comfort in the benefits these policies provide. However, insurance companies, regardless of the type of policy under consideration, are primarily worried about limiting their exposure, and will try to limit when benefits must… Read More »

Chronic Pain, Opioids And Qualifying For SSDI
Finding ways to manage and cope with a disabling condition is a continual challenge, and treating physicians will often go through a number of options looking for a plan that can provide the highest amount of relief and return of functionality. Chronic pain, often linked to musculoskeletal conditions or injuries, is the daily reality… Read More »

Citizenship, Residency And Qualifying For SSDI
Where a person chooses to live is much more fluid in today’s world compared with the past, when most people lived their entire life in one place. This fluidity has translated into people living in multiple States, and some to move outside the country entirely. This mobility may be beneficial for employment purposes, but… Read More »

SSDI And Cancer: Options For Obtaining Benefits
Few moments in life are more striking or devastating than hearing a diagnosis of cancer. Not only do sufferers have to worry about the effects of the disease on their bodies, but there are also considerable debilitating effects from the drugs, chemotherapy and radiation that are routinely ordered to fight the cancer’s growth. Cancer… Read More »

Obtaining SSDI Benefits When Your Disability Is Invisible
While society is not always accommodating toward individuals with disabilities, if the impairment is visible from the outside, people are more sympathetic and willing to help. This same level of understanding is not typically extended to those with disabilities that are not apparent. Nevertheless, many disabled persons experience an inability to work and turn… Read More »

The Effect Of Other Income On Disability Benefits
Disability insurance benefits, through both private and federal programs, offer a lifeline to individuals suffering from a disabling impairment. However, this assistance almost always comes with a number of caveats that can obligate and/or restrict a recipient’s ability to seek other sources of income, including disability benefits available through other providers/programs. Disability insurance providers… Read More »

Understanding Your Disability Insurance Policy
Unless a person works in an area that exposes him/her to the risk of injury on a regular basis, most people do not spend much time contemplating what would happen if they could not work due to a disability. But, people are injured or suffer the onset of a serious illness every day. In… Read More »