Tag Archives: Florida Disability Insurance Attorneys

Figuring Out The Right Time To File For Disability
There is no one particular way a disability can occur. For some, the onset is gradual as the body breaks down over time from the physical demands of a job. For others, the onset is sudden and unexpected, perhaps due to an accident or a diagnosis of a debilitating disease. How and when a… Read More »

Qualifying For A Medical Vocational Allowance
The process of qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can seem mysterious to many claimants. The number of rules and regulations that govern how the Social Security Administration (SSA) reviews and evaluates disability is daunting, to say the least, and unfortunately, make what seems to be a relatively straightforward disability claim much… Read More »

Preexisting Conditions And Disability Insurance Coverage
The point of buying a health insurance policy is that it will pay the benefits purchased when a problem occurs, regardless of when or how it arose. However, it is common for disability insurance policies to include coverage exclusion provisions for preexisting conditions, both in group employer-sponsored plans and individually purchased private policies. This… Read More »

Help From a Legal Representative in Handling Your Disability Claim
Dealing with a disability is overwhelming in the best of circumstances, and the disabled individual often requires a strong support system to assist with daily tasks and interfacing with doctors and other health professionals. A large number of disabled people are forced to stop working for years at time or permanently due to their… Read More »

Signs a Disability Insurance Company Is Unjustly Denying a Claim
Disability insurance offers a great benefit, but is often tricky to access. When someone is suffering from a disability that prevents him/her from working, the common course of action is to file a claim with his/her insurance company under a long-term disability policy, if available. The standard for establishing a disability under a private… Read More »

Can Taking Certain Medications Cost You SSDI Benefits?
Managing a disability usually requires following a complex treatment plan that includes taking a number of medications to address pain and other forms of dysfunction. These medications are often one of the few medical options that make a noticeable difference in a person’s ability to get through the day with some degree of normalcy,… Read More »

Different Types of Disability Coverage and How They Can Overlap
When someone suffers a disability, figuring out disability insurance benefits may not be at the forefront of his/her mind. Instead, the first thing usually missed is the comfort of a reliable and stable daily routine. Simple daily tasks that most people take for granted, such as getting dressed, preparing a meal, and performing housework,… Read More »

Traumatic Brain Injury and Disability Benefits
The importance of the brain’s health to a person’s ability to function cannot be overstated. The brain controls everything in the body, and when a traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs, the victims are likely to experience some form of disability, at least in the short-term. When these injuries lead to permanent impairments, the sufferers… Read More »

Disability Benefits and Wounded Military Veterans
Making the decision to join the military and serve one’s country is a big commitment that can bring significant and life-changing consequences if a person is injured in the line of duty. As conflicts in the Middle East continue, more military service personnel will risk the possibility of sustaining significantly- and permanently- disabling physical… Read More »

Disability and Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
Disability can disrupt the most carefully laid plans. People typically hit their peak professionally in their 40s and 50s, and most do not think about diseases associated with old age since retirement and slowing down still seems far off. One of the most insidious and debilitating conditions that can rob a person of their… Read More »