Tag Archives: Florida Disability Law Attorney

Getting Long-Term Disability Following a Stroke
Experiencing a cerebrovascular accident, more commonly known as a stroke, can be a very debilitating event. While minor strokes, such as that suffered by ESPN personality Lee Corso in 2009, can allow for a near-complete recovery and return to employment, some strokes can cause more long-lasting damage. Regardless, with almost any stroke, time off… Read More »

Medicinal Cannabis And Social Security Disability Benefits
More and more states in this country have legalized the use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the psychoactive aspect of the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana, for medicinal purposes), although, pursuant to federal law, cannabis is still a Schedule I narcotic under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning possession is illegal. In spite of the federal… Read More »

Knowing What to Expect at the Social Security Disability Interview
While millions of Americans receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, most did everything they could to continue working, until it became apparent that was no longer a viable option. Working gives structure and purpose to a person’s life, and being forced to give up this important aspect of life is never easy. Once… Read More »

Social Security Disability and the Waiting Game
The onset of a disability is usually quick and unexpected, and leaves the sufferer scrambling to obtain the proper medical care and support. Further, working is typically impossible for at least a short period of time, which means another source of income must be found. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a source many… Read More »
The Complicated Process of Qualifying for Social Security Disability Insurance
Working or having a job is often more than just a source of steady income. Being employed brings a sense of purpose and structure to a person’s day and life, and a big hole is left behind for many that find themselves un- or underemployed. While unemployment numbers have decreased from their height about… Read More »