Tag Archives: Florida Social Security Disability Claims

Obesity And Social Security Disability Insurance
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are intended to provide financial support for individuals who are unable to work due to a debilitating disability. To ensure that this is the case, the Social Security Administration (SSA), the agency that examines SSDI applications, offers detailed descriptions as to what constitutes a debilitating disability. These descriptions… Read More »

The Delicate Balance Of Working And Keeping SSDI Benefits
Disability is not a circumstance that many people plan for in advance, or even think about as a possibility. If asked, most people would envision working until at least retirement age, but this imagined future may be completely derailed once the onset of a disability occurs. Most individuals unable to work due to disability… Read More »

Traumatic Brain Injury and Disability Benefits
The importance of the brain’s health to a person’s ability to function cannot be overstated. The brain controls everything in the body, and when a traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs, the victims are likely to experience some form of disability, at least in the short-term. When these injuries lead to permanent impairments, the sufferers… Read More »

Private Disability Benefits Options You Need to Know
Coping with and attempting to compensate for a disability is a daily reality for millions of Americans, many of which are forced to stop working due to the debilitating effects of these conditions. A large number will turn to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits to find money to support themselves, but SSDI is… Read More »

What to Expect for SSDI Appeals to the Federal Courts
The application and approval process for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is long and stressful for most applicants. Very few claimants are granted benefits based on the initial application, and must enter the lengthy appeals process to receive the benefits they need. Certainly, the hope is benefits are approved as early in the… Read More »

Qualifying for Social Security Disability due to Mental Illness
A common and unfair perception about people receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is that they use this government-provided benefit to avoid working. However, the vast majority of people applying for and receiving SSDI benefits have repeatedly tried and failed to maintain regular employment following the onset of a disability. Very few people… Read More »

Is It Possible to Get Back Pay of Disability Benefits?
One of the first things anyone applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits learns is the long wait time that most applicants must endure before receiving approval. Scrambling to find money for ordinary bills and expensive medical care pending a decision on a disability claim is a huge source of stress and anxiety,… Read More »

Is It Possible to Lose Social Security Disability Benefits Once You Are Approved?
Getting approval for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is no small feat. For most applicants, the approval process is long and arduous, taking years in some cases. Once this hurdle is crossed, believing the hard part is over and regular income is secure would be a natural assumption. However, the Social Security Administration… Read More »

Figuring Out How Much Disability Insurance Coverage You Need
Disability insurance is not something most people consider. Unless a person knows someone in his/her early years that is disabled, taking good health for granted is very easy to do when one is young. Assuming such a tragic circumstance can only strike someone else is a well-known psychological method of self-protection against the possibility… Read More »

Social Security Disability and the Waiting Game
The onset of a disability is usually quick and unexpected, and leaves the sufferer scrambling to obtain the proper medical care and support. Further, working is typically impossible for at least a short period of time, which means another source of income must be found. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a source many… Read More »