Tag Archives: Jacksonville Disability Insurance Attorneys

Why High Earners Need Individual Long-Term Disability Policies
The purpose of long-term disability (LTD) insurance policies is to supplement a policyholder’s income if he/she becomes disabled for an extended period of time. In this way, the policyholder can focus on recovery and not have to worry about paying bills and other expenses. Nevertheless, insurance companies, including LTD insurance companies, are profitable enterprises… Read More »

Social Security Disability Benefits And Myasthenia Gravis
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are intended to provide financial support for individuals who are unable to work due to a disability. To ensure that this financial support is distributed to only those who are in need, the Social Security Administration (SSA), awards SSDI benefits according to conditions that meet its definition of… Read More »

Pregnancy As A “Pre-Existing Condition” In Long-Term Disability Insurance Policies
In terms of unsung heroes, long-term disability (LTD) insurance has to be ranked near the top. Typically an afterthought when filling out forms on an employee’s first day, most people do not pay any attention to this potentially catastrophe-saving employee benefit. In fact, it is most likely only when an employee is in need… Read More »

Can Chronic Pain Be The Basis For A Long-Term Disability Claim?
As part of their benefits packages, many employers provide long-term disability (LTD) insurance coverage to their employees. Although it generally provides a financial benefit if and when an employee in incapacitated with an injury, thus making it very similar to both workers’ compensation benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, there are some distinctions…. Read More »

Challenging The Denial Of Long-Term Disability Insurance Benefits In Court
As part of their benefits packages, many employees receive Long-Term Disability (LTD) Benefits, which pays a predetermined benefit if an employee becomes unable to work as a result of a disability. In the vast majority of cases, employees do not ever need to receive these benefits. However, for the few that do, dealing with… Read More »

Can I Obtain Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits For Back Pain?
Pain is, for better or worse, a part of life. In some cases, pain may be acute and described as unbearable, such as when one is in an automobile accident. In other cases, pain is chronic and can be described in terms of a numbing or constant annoyance. In fact, as one ages, it… Read More »

The Importance Of Long-Term Disability Insurance
In terms of insurance policies, Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance is a pretty low priority for most people. After required insurance policies (health, auto, home/rental), many people next look to life and personal property insurance as insurance policies to have. In fact, various insurance for non-essential items (mobile telephone and pet, to name but two… Read More »

Long Delays For SSDI Benefits
One of the biggest negative aspects of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits is the time it takes to have a claim approved. Currently, this time period is just under two years, on average. The time to approval is so substantial is this delay that Tampa Representative Kathy Castor has asked the Social Security… Read More »

The Social Security Disability Listing Of Impairments
Filing a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can be daunting, and it is advisable to hire an experienced attorney who can help with navigating the entire process, which will likely provide better odds of success than filing the claim oneself. One of the most frustrating aspects of the SSDI claim process… Read More »

Mental Illness And Social Security Disability Benefits
Conventional wisdom holds that any form of disability benefits, such as those offered by Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which prevents someone from continuing their normal routine of life will most likely be of the physical variety. However, in reality, more than a quarter of all SSDI applications claim a mental disability or illness… Read More »