When Accidental Injuries Result In Long-Term Disabilities

Slips, trips, and falls, car crashes, and accidents involving bicyclists or pedestrians are among the most common causes of personal injuries. Even in seemingly minor cases, these can leave you suffering major harm. Long-term disabilities can develop as a result, impacting your ability to work or provide for your family. In these cases, long-term disability benefits available through your employer may cover some of your costs.
Accidental Injuries That Can Have Long-Term Impacts
Personal injuries are a leading cause of death and disability in Florida. Motor vehicle-related accidents are a common cause, as are falls that can occur at home or in public places. When these or other accidents happen, it is important to get medical attention immediately. This is true regardless of the severity of injuries or the symptoms you suffer. Not doing so could impact your rights in filing a long-term disability claim.
Even seemingly minor or routine injuries can have complications that impact your health and ability to work for years into the future. Among the most common injuries that can result in long-term disabilities include:
- Back and neck injuries: Damage to discs, fractured vertebrae, and injuries involving the spinal cord or column can take a long time to recover from. Lingering impairments are likely to exist, preventing you from engaging in certain types of activities.
- Broken bones: While broken bones do heal, complications are common and can result in long-term disabilities. According to the Mayo Clinic, bone infections, damage to blood vessels, and arthritis in the affected area are common risks.
- Head injuries: These are among the most serious but potentially overlooked injuries. Healthline warns that even minor bumps, blows, or jolts to the head due to accidents can disrupt neural pathways, causing serious physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments.
- Soft tissue injuries: Strained, sprained, and torn muscles, tendons, or other soft tissues heal slowly. Not allowing adequate time before returning to your usual tasks increases the likelihood of long-term disabilities.
Protect Your Rights To Long-Term Disability Benefits
When any type of accident happens, it is important to take steps to protect your rights to any long-term disabilities benefits available. This includes:
- Attend all doctor visits: Make sure your condition is included in your medical records and attend all follow-up visits;
- Follow your doctor’s instructions: Get recommended testing and treatments while following your doctor’s advice regarding work and activities restrictions.
- Keep copies of all related documents: This includes statements from visits, test results, lists of medications, and receipts items you purchase related to your condition, such as crutches or other aides.
- Review long-term disability (LTD) benefits provided by your employer: Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), you have a right to request a copy of these documents from your employers, free of charge.
Let Us Help You Today
At Farrell Disability Law, we help ensure accident victims get the LTD benefits they deserve. Call or contact our Jacksonville long-term disability attorney online to request a consultation in our office today.